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Posts tagged “Castel Sant’Angelo

When the Sun Goes Down in Rome, Stay Eternal: Top 5 Sites

It’s hard to enjoy Rome  when the mercury hits 40 and your flip flops are melting into the sampietrini. To be honest, walking around the Coliseum, Forum or any site under the Roman sun can be infernal. However, Rome is used to a little complaining and a lot of city flight.  In the summer months, the city doesn’t want us to sweat it out.  Lungo il Tevere and Estate Romana light up the evenings with social events once the sun goes down. And many of Rome’s sites are collaborating as cultural stages.

Sure you can catch a bit of Caracalla with your opera ticket, enjoy the Teatro di Marcello as backdrop to a musical series, and even browse Ostia Antica in a summer performance series but we’re always on the look out for an evening history adventure.  This summer, Rome is extraordinary in the evenings with extended hours and special openings for several museums and cultural sites. Our top favorite history lessons to be held when the sun goes down are:Moon over the Coliseum: Thursdays and Saturday evenings you can catch an Italian or English language group tour to the hypogeum (underground) and second tier. Quiet and informative, our favorite way to experience the Coliseum.

  1. Nights at Castel Sant’Angelo:  Hadrian’s tomb is always something we look forward to once we’ve past the solstice. (And you know we love Following Hadrian!) Walking through the labyrinth at night is amazing, but even better is a stroll along the Passetto. Tuesdays through Sundays.
  2. Ara Pacis: There is nothing quite like admiring the Ara Pacis in front of a dark, cerulean blue sky. But we’ve been limited to window shopping only. Now, Saturday evenings, the Ara Pacis museum is open until midnight.
  3. Vatican Night Openings: A no brainer. The Vatican Museums in the evening are quiet, calm and cool.  It’s like being a Borgia. [UPDATE: Vatican evenings are on break until September]
  4. Astrosummer: Another no brainer. evening hours at the Planetarium in EUR.
Photos by Darius Arya, Castel Sant’Angelo, Alessio Molteni